In this context, ecology refers to holistic, environmentally friendly activities that minimize the consumption of energy and natural resources, as well as the generation of waste and emissions. An ecological product is produced, used, recycled and disposed of naturally.
The problems of sustainable development are challenging designers, manufacturers and consumers alike to consider ecological values and operating methods. A designer is in a key position to influence the operating methods and materials
used in the production. Ecological thinking brings forth new challenges, but at the same time offers completely new opportunities. The EcoDesign exhibition aims to highlight these matters and stimulate discussion.
The EcoDesign exhibition has been organized in conjunction with the Habitare Furniture, Interior decoration and Design fair since 2009. The exhibition is organized by Messukeskus and produced by Mainostoimisto Valo Oy.

Each year the designers have been asked to grade the eco friendliness of their product as regards to the following aspects in the design and production stages:
1. Foresight, planning and design
2. Selection of materials
3. Production process
4. Package and logistics
5. Use, durability and maintainability
6. Recyclability
The stories and ecoanalyses of the entries exhibited in series of EcoDesign exhibitions can be read here.
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